Foydalanuvchi the nuriddinov_ | Masala Pentatop
# Foydalanuvchi Masala Til Holati Vaqt Xotira Yuborilgan vaqt
3727719 the nuriddinov_ Pentatop cpp Wrong answer (test 4) 6 ms 200 KB 31.01.2024 09:07
3727708 the nuriddinov_ Pentatop cpp Compilation error 0 ms 0 KB 31.01.2024 09:07
3727642 the nuriddinov_ Pentatop cpp Compilation error 0 ms 0 KB 31.01.2024 09:05
3727615 the nuriddinov_ Pentatop cpp Wrong answer (test 11) 33 ms 204 KB 31.01.2024 09:04
3727591 the nuriddinov_ Pentatop cpp Wrong answer (test 4) 7 ms 204 KB 31.01.2024 09:03
2309430 the nuriddinov_ Pentatop python3 Accepted 33 ms 962 KB 03.06.2023 17:29
2309415 the nuriddinov_ Pentatop python3 Wrong answer (test 2) 21 ms 886 KB 03.06.2023 17:24
1730695 the nuriddinov_ Pentatop python3 Wrong answer (test 2) 30 ms 870 KB 14.02.2023 13:14